04 January 2011, the day that marked a TURNING POINT OF CHANGES on my life…
At first I thought I only leave for JS on the 5th…
Well, luckily Jeremiah called… wait, its Samuel…
Argh, I forgot already… Anyway, thanks.
Well, on the night of 4th January 2011, Jeremiah, Sam, James, Joshua, Sieh Jin and I reached GSBC at around 9 pm. As I was walking into the hall and putting my luggage at the back of the hall, I can’t help but to smile, because everyone is like looking at us (the latecomers) like one kind only. (Thanks to Joshua, his shirt says: “sorry I am late “) I looked around and said:”Hi…” Some of the people there said hi (should be Denise), some just kept quiet… I was quite fearful at first after hearing my brother’s JS stories on conflicts. I was thinking:”these are the people will be living with for the next six weeks… What will happen here… “ Zillions of questions started popping in my mind. I’ve also heard of BGR too… And I’ve also heard that the mentors will be watching us very closely. (They did a great job) I am fearful that I might get involve in one of these BGR thingy too… Scared… Anyway, skip that… :D
Living with twenty six completely different Homo sapiens is not a piece of cake, but it’s also fun and challenging.
There are times where we wake up at 5 am (once only)
And there are also times where we wake up at mid-day… (Eric?)
There are times where we feel bold and fearless (on the way to the hut for QT with John and Sam)
And there are also times where we feel our hairs standing on ends with goose bumps all over our arms… shiver
There are times where we come back after QT, finding all the bathrooms occupied.
And there are also times where we took our own sweet time tupai-ing and showering because the rest are still wandering in dreamland.
There are times where we enjoy the powerful current of the shower.
And there are also times where Herbie and I walked out of our RESPECTIVE cubicles in our ‘sarung’ and realized that someone (probably Jeremiah) turned of the main tap… (James Ong’s brilliant idea)
There are times where I met Beatrice and Cindel at the canteen, doing their QT (and talking)…
And there are also times when Sam ran away from the ping pong table (where Beckie and Christina used to do their QT) when CQ yelled at him… Lol… He’s so not gonna forget this…
There are times where we have nice toast for breakfast.
And there are also times where our bread got stuck in the toaster and everyone was like:”how arh, what to do now?”
There are times where we helped out at the “wash”.
And there are also times where we steal bone (direct translation from Malay)
There are times where we get serious and personal during QT sharing (seldom)
And there are also times where we only start on a wake-up-call from God (Location: Amphitheater… We were not starting YET that morning and are just carried away with nonsense when a bird shit on Bryan’s shoulder… We were like:”Ok… Let’s open with a word of prayer…”)
There are times where we were super noisy during sessions.
And there are also times where we kept extremely quiet (Rev. Yong Wai Yin’s session…”…Its simply rude…” Walaua…)
Ok, let’s take a 15 minutes break now and be sure to come back here after 15 minutes
16 MINUTES LATER… “Next time be more punctual arh… we want to start on time…” CQ.
Ok, shall we?
There are times where we really can focus.
And there are also times where we kept looking at the watch and wonder did someone slowed time down, knowing that we are so looking forward for lunch.
There are times where we slept through Siesta
And there are also times where the mentors have to ‘shoo’ us to get into our beds… “Cannot sleep also get into your bed and close your eyes”… But sometimes when they are not around some hypers really don’t care anymore…^^
There are times where we felt refreshed after the nap…
And there are also times where we came down and some girls asked me:”Titus, why all the guys like emo one?” Reply:”Just woke up larh…” *Yawn* *Not even looking at the person* SO SORRY GIRLS ^^
There are times when all of us played Captain Ball together.
And there are also times when the guys “vege” some people in the sea (Sorry Sam, John and Austin) LOL.
There are times where we can see some monyets parkour-ing.
And there are also times where it rains and some smart people organized a wrestling championship in the Bro’s Quarters. (Titus is the camp.) ^^
There are times where we can just wash our clothes in peace.
And there are also times where someone (must be ZWay because he is such a disturbomaniac)is spraying water into the cubicles when someone else (poor Joel) is bathing inside… Lol
There are times where dinner is so tasteless.
And there are also times where shouts of Hallelujah rings so loud that you thought someone rose from the dead… (Cheh, its Beckie rupanya, just desperate to be able to talk again and of course, eat)
There are times where we share about out Silent Retreats. (SR)
And there are also times where we listen to pastor-and-pastor-ress-to-be-or-wannabees preaching
There are times where we had supper around the ping pong tables.
And there are also times where we sneaked out to have supper and mentoring at the Mamak stall outside.
There are times where we just feel like dropping dead on the bed, sinking into the pillows.
And there are also times where we need the peace of God to overcome the fear in us.
There are times before bed where we are just glad that we grew closer together to God that day.
And there are also times before bed where we are just sad that JS 2011 is just one day closer to the end...
There are times where… where… wheee…..reee……ZZZZ……
You’ve been a ‘daddy’ to me. You have always helped me out and cheer me on with your wise encouragements. You are a person I’ve always looked up to, a role model.
I still remember the first time we REALLY engaged in a two-of-us-only conversation. You said:”blah…blah…blah… Control your hormones…” Lol. To be truthful, I was quite scared at that point of time. But at the same time I already knew what you are gonna say when you say you wanna talk to me^^ Looking back, I gradually became more open to you. Sometimes, we just have fun arguing, but you will always win. I will always reason that it’s because you are 51 and I am just 20, just wait till I am 51, then I might probably win. But there was once you said that you don’t know whether you will be around at that time. Aww… don’t say that, don’t leave so early, you’ve been a great blessing to me from Daddy… I am forever grateful to have met you in Jeremiah School 2011.

Although you are a quiet guy, you are always there to listen to all my problems. You will just listen and let me finish my story, the only you will speak. You’ve helped me to see things from a different perspective. I don’t remember you getting pissed with us, your mentoring group. To me, you are a much elder brother, mature enough to mentor me. Thank you very much for your patience and care. 可爱的Austin ~~~falalalala~~~
You are like a not so elder brother to me, always coming up with some wild crazy ideas. That nerdy stupid outfit for dinner and the constant jiu-jitsu training will be the best examples. I can forget your face and expressions when you say:”I slaaaaap you nicely…” Owh, I miss going crazy with you sometimes. ^^ My siblings here are too soft, so I can’t have those funs we had with them. Sigh… But I really want to thank God for having an elder bro here in JS 2011 that converse with me at the same frequency… MoDanNas… Lol.
Choy Quin 姐 (CQ),
Although I did not get to know you as some of the girls did, to me, you are a ‘timely’ blessing from God.
I still remember the day when we had our confrontation. I felt like I got no one to approach. So I went and sat opposite you at the table at the back of the hall. Out of the blue you asked me:”How are you? How have you been doing?” Then I pondered on the past weeks and realized that I need to approach someone. Really, you are a timely blessing from God. Thank you very muchy, Miss Principal. ^^
Helen Khoo,
Calling you like that makes people feel like I am addressing a girl of my age ^^ Aiya, you should have join us since day one. You are a person with a pleasant character, teaching me how to relate to my mum sometimes. (Remember that the best way is to be nice to her friends.LOL) You are high-spirited and supportive. I really thank God for the time you were are with us, even though it was only 2 and a half weeks ^^
Slipper girl!!! LOL. You are like a elder sister to me, the exact opposite of Joshua. You are seldom wild and crazy like him. But you are also a real blessing to me. Especially during the CNY break. You’ve always helped me to see things from the brighter side, through God’s eyes. Thank you also for the team-building you organized-Go Fly Kites. The moment you wrote that down on the board I was like:”How do we go about doing this?” LOL. You’ve also tell be to be humble in my service to God. Thank you for being such a timely blessing from God. ^^
Though I don’t know whether you will get to read what I’ve written here, but I will still write what you meant to me in JS 2011. ^^ To be truthful, I’ve never seen a person with such gentle and calm, soft-spoken personality like you. At first I thought you are one of the JS 2011 students because you looked like you are 18 or 20. But then when I realized that you are actually one of the mentors I was like:”What?!!! Ok…” But you left too early already. Wished you’d stay longer. Anyway, I am sure God will journey with you just as He did when you were with us. All the best. ^^
Your teachable heart and humility encouraged me. Through these six weeks, unknowingly, you’ve show me that one can change for the better if he or she is willing to receive comments and even critics with a humble heart. I still remember my first impression about you:”Budak Samseng..” You looked damn scary at first. Lol. But as I looked back when JS finally drew to a close, I see a changed person in you. You are a completely changed person with lots of patience (thanks for being the PA man) Good job bro, carry on!!!
You are the only student around that is elder than me. But to me, you are a person that I can really call “My brother”. You’ve changed the way I speak:”Aiyo~不错哦!!!” and your “有没有”, all done with the Jay Chou pose. Somehow, I really respect you for your courage. I still remember our Bro-Open-Sharing, I just know that at that moment, I can totally feel along with you, cry along with you. I don’t know why, but I think it’s probably because I know that God will let you experience His grace and love, just as I did, even though we are unworthy. I just missed those times we laugh and cry together. I miss the times I walk into the room during Silent Retreats and find you sleeping, really silent… LOL. Anyway, thank you bro… *Hugs*
I’ve always remembered you as a I-don’t-really-like-to-talk-person. But by God’s will and divine appointment, we were chosen to be the leaders for mission week. That’s when I get to know you better through the group leader meetings. You finally “warmed-up” and crack a few jokes during the last few days. I was like:”Ian, why now, why so late?” You have a different sense of humour from the rest of us. Besides that, you are really bold to voice out what God impressed upon your heart during mission week (pretense and hypocrisy) Continue to be courageous and be confident with what you can do and what you are in Christ. Take heart bro!!!

Sorry for taking you as an extrovert the first time I met you in the va.LOL. I was talking to you non-stop and you were just like-Silent. Then after few days in JS, only I realized that you an introvert. You seldom talk, but I know you can talk a lot if I switch channel to Hokien channel. LOL.
Hey Jay, thanks for coming to JS 2011 with me, Without you, it will be no-fun-so-much-more. As in ZWay, Eric and I really get to crack racist jokes. LOL. Thank you for your regular visits even after JS, they kinda make me feel I amd not alone after all. ^^ It encourages me to see how much God has changed your life through JS 2011. Through this 6 weeks, I grew to know you more and now we can talk at the same frequency in our YF. Lol. And yah, thanks for all the fun we had watching you arguing with Eric. “Kurang ajar arh?” Lol. By the way, you are the inspiration of the Green Beans Brothers. Lol.
I miss your retarded-irritating-self-composed songs you sang to irritate Eric during mission week. You are a person with great patience and you’ve always kept your head. Thanks for the wave board and ice-skating lessons, now I got a better sense of balance already ^^ Owh, plus, your poems really helped me picture God in my life and they inspired me a lot ^^ You ARE a gentleman ^^
My accountability partner. Long time no see, short time no talk. LOL. How have you been doing? Have you blended well into your community now? Well, you are a listening ear. But you are kinda a I-know-all-about-you-but-you-don’t-know-all-about-me-yet person. You are like a younger brother to me and thank you for treating me like your elder brother. ^^
What the crap bro… as in wassup!!! Lol!!! You are always a sporting guy. No matter how terribly we kenakan you, you’ll say:”never mind, I forgive you.” ^^ People like you are rare, they are endangered species. Thank you for allowing the guys to “vege” you kau kau. LOL. We had our fun and you had yours, Mr. Meso-Chees-Stick. Lol. But sorry for your underwear that expended from L to XL. Lol. Thank you for treasuring our friendship and being sensitive to me. In you I found a person that really cares about friendship. God bless you in your future undertakings, bro. PENANG RAWKS!!! ^^
Through these six weeks you’ve been the hardest person to grasp. Sometimes you even deceived me. And sometimes you are so good at wearing a mask. But thank God that you’ve found the courage and trust and love to take it down, although it meant revealing the unhealed scars and pain. God has started His divine work in you. Thus, hold on to His WORD and promises. Do not give in to the flesh, but walk by the Spirit. Thank you for your openness and crazy farting habit, Beckie will surely remember that.
*Beckie running after Titus*
*Titus:”Don’t follow me, I am gonna fart!!!”*
*Beckie insisted to follow right behind him*
*Beckie:”Owh my gosh, Titus!!!*
Hey bro, you are a person with a bubbly character, always bluffing me and telling lame jokes. Thanks for being a racist. Lol. You did a great job in cutting Jeremiah’s leg hair. I remember the times where we had heart-to-heart conversations. I remember the times you challenge us to put our faith in God during the group leader meeting. You’ve been a great encouragement to me, Bro. By the way, thanks for your advice:”Eh Titus, next time don’t be so handsome larh…”
Although we are of the same age, I always feel like you are my younger sister. Sometimes looking at you makes me wanna laugh. You are so chubby and just random at times. ^^ Thank you for being a listening ear during the first part of JS. Plus, thank you also for being 20 (the same goes for Eric) and for behaving like 20. Lol.
Su Ee,
I don’t think I REALLY know you yet< even after six weeks. You are a superb thinker man! Remember the mathematics question? I salute girl!!! ^^ At least you can argue with be one logical terms (sometimes) Lol. But I just don’t get it, I mean you fell for my prank call. Muahahahaha!!!!
The only person that I know in all these years having the same birthday with me. You are quiet person, probably observing the rest in silence. Sounds scary ^^ Miss your:”Hi same birthday.” ^^
At first when I was assigned into group one I was quite fearful that I wouldn’t be able to get the whole group to do stuff together. Thanks to you for helping me warming up the group. (Paraphrasing John 3:16) Thank you for being so helpful, especially in the worship team. ^^
Miss the time you need some warmth and stick to me like super glue. ^^ Lol. You’ve got the guts girl even when auntie CQ is around. ^^ Thank you for being a younger sister to me. ^^
Hey Denise, thank you for just being there to be a true friend that always listens to my complaints and problems. I am just truly blessed to have a friend who is always true to our friendship. You’ve always encourage me with your words. Sometimes, to know that someone cares is really relieving ^^ Thanks Denise. *Hugs*
Hiiii~ *with a super high pitch* Man!!! Although I always stopped up my ears with my fingers wherever you do that… But I really miss it now…. But please, not on the phone, I’ll have to change speakers later… LOL.
I miss those times when I just burst into laughter whenever I look at the red tomato (your head).
I miss those times you asked me:”What’s your problem?”
Reply:”My problem is you.” ^^ lol.
My “Wife”!!! I miss the time after lunch and dinner when you will say:”Owh my gosh, I feel like I am pregnant for 3 months man…” LOL. You are the only person that never kept me on an awkward silence in our conversations (except for the first time we talked during the conversational ministry practice. But then we can’t keep quiet after we found out that our grandparents are staying in the same town!!!) Lol. You are a special person to me as in you coming to me with your problems sometimes and just say out what you feel. I feel like you are like my younger sister that always gets herself into some sort of problem. ^^. Lol. Thank you for being there to be a friend when I struggle to pull through the hard times in JS 2011. I truly treasure you as a true and special friend. I hope we will be able to stay like brothers and sisters, encouraging one another, upholding each other. Thank you^^ *Big big huggies* (Cause you are taller) ^^
Hey, why are you the last? It’s just the reverse of the alphabetical order I used for the guys. No larh, I always keep the best for the last. ^^ LOL. Anyway, I thought you are an introvert at first, how wrong was I. I miss you first sermonette. You can actually multi-task if you don’t know. (Gliding, floating and preaching at the same time) I miss the first time we had a heart-to-heart talk on how to love daddy. I’ve always wanted to do so more often. But we are in JS. What to do? ^^ I miss the time I teased you (double-chinned) Lol. Not that you have. ^^ Was just having fun seeing your reactions. I miss your cam-consciousness. Even when the snap is not aimed at you, you will just pose at a corner. Lol. ^^Plus, thank you for making the effort to be understanding toward me. I really hope to have more time to know you more, a person will a super good act-blur-but-not- really-blur ability. Miss you very much. Love you too ^^ ... *~Huggies~*
Group 1,4,C and Austin’s mentoring group,
Doing things and learning together about God will you guys make things fun and interesting.
Sorry that at times (most of the times) we made you guys so stressed up.
Sorry that at times we failed your expectations.
But I also wanna thank you for now giving up on us,
Thank you for your love and care.
You’ve become like big brothers and sisters, dad and mum to us. ^^
Thank you guys, I love you all, *hug tightly*
The Brotherhood,
Thanks to all the Bros for keeping The Code for these six weeks in JS 2011.
Thanks to all the Bros for coming up with the 1st Code in JS history ^^ Thanks to God for helping us drew it out. May it be a “blessing” to coming JS batches as Uncle Herbert is having it now^^
The Sisterhood,
Thank you all for the romantic, hilarious, entertaining and funny Valentine’s Day. You all looked so cute in the school uniforms. Adorable!!! *pinch the cheek* .Lol.
Mission Week Group Leaders,
I miss the nights we shared our hearts, our fears and encouragements. Denise, ZWay, Ian, Herbie and Titus.
Uh-Owh, not forgetting The Green Bean Brothers!!! Ian, Joel, John, ZWay and Titus!!!
“Pick up the green beans
Pick up the green beans
Where are the little green beans?
Pick up the green beans
Pick up the green beans I see you little green beans!!!”
*Reach for Sam’s and Jay’s Nipps* Lol.
Officially established on the 26th of February 2011 in Herbie’s Serena around 7-8 p.m. lol.
We don’t take in new members. Sorry ^^
JS 2011: 04 Jan 2011-27 Feb 2011,
It has been a memory of sweet and sour,
Of love and conflict,
Of joy and pain.
The best of all is, we all went through these times together, united as one in Christ. United we stand till Christ comes in the fullness of His glory and splendor and we will see Him face to face.
“Well done, good and faithful servant!” Matt 25:23
JS 2011:”For we are already being poured out like drink offerings, and the time has come for our departure. We have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, and we have kept the faith. Now there is in store for us the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award us on that day-and not only us, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Tim 4:6-8
Without you, Jeremiah School 2011 will never be our turning point. It’s you who planned and worked JS 2011 out, meeting us in a very special way. We ask that you will bring your works in our life to completion on The Day. We are forever grateful. And as we wait upon you, help us to be salt and light of the world. AMEN!!!